Cursos en los que participamos

Simposio de ISO:15093, gestión para la calidad en laboratorios del sector salud (UPCH).

SLAGF. Curso de Interpretación Estadística de resultados en Genética Forense. Buenos Aires, Argentina 

International Society Forensic Genetic..

Genomic Research Unit. Curso: Análisis de Datos en Genética Molecular y Genómica-UPCH. Lima – Peru.

21th International Symposium on Human Identification. PROMEGA. Texas – USA

American Phytopathology Society. Annual Meeting. Agosto 7-11 Charlotte, North Caroline – USA.

XXI CONGRESO PeruANO DE FITOPATOLOGIA Tarapoto-Perú, del 05 al 10 de Setiembre.

22th International Symposium on Human Identification. PROMEGA. Washington – USA.

Curso Internacional: Ingenieria de Tejidos y Medicina Regenerativa. UPCH. Lima – Peru.

23th International Symposium on Human identification. PROMEGA. Tennessee – USA

American Phytopathology Society. Annual Meeting. Agosto 4-8 Providence, Rhode Island – USA.

Curso de Genética Forense y XVIII Jornada del GHEP-ISFG San Andrés- Colombia.

American Association for Cancer Research. 31 Marzo- 4 Abril . Chicago. Illinois – USA.

Presentaciones en Eventos

Identification of microorganisms associated with spear rot disease in Peruvian oil palm plantations

M. Talledo , R. Acuña , G. Huamani, A. Chigne, A. Trelles, E. Trinidad, J. Arevalo, Y. Montoya American Phytopathology Society. Annual Meeting. Agosto 4-8 Providence, Rhode Island USA. POSTER The blood amylase test may be used along with a lipase test to detect pancreatic diseases. That means an elevated amylase level may indicate a problem, but the cause may not be related to the pancreas. The lipase test, on the other hand, is more specific than amylase for diseases of the pancreas, particularly for acute pancreatitis..

Description of two genotypes of Phytomonas associated to oil palm diseases in Peru

M. Talledo, S. Morales, E. Trinidad, J. Arevalo, A. Trelles, Y. Montoya. Marchites Sorpresiva and a new disease manifestation-Marchites Lenta. American Phytopathology Society. Annual Meeting. Agosto 7-11 Charlotte, North Caroline USA. Poster y presentación oral..

Analysis of Peruvian polulation with 10 X-STR and the comparison with 15 iberian and latin American populations

Gavilan, M.; Talledo, M.; Choque, C.; Aiquipa, L.; Almeyda, ML.; Arévalo, J.; Montoya, Y. 2010. 21th International Symposium on Human Identification. Promega. Texas-USA. POSTER..

Analysis of X-STR markers in Peruvian populations from Coast, Andean and Amazon Jungle regions

Gavilan, M.; Talledo, M.; Choque, C.; Aiquipa, L.; Almeyda, ML.; Zamudio, V.; Arévalo, J.; Montoya, Y. 2010. 22th International Symposium on Human Identification. Promega. Washington -USA. POSTER.

Comparative allele distribution at 16 STR loci between the Andean and coastal population from Peru

Talledo, M.; Gavilan, M.; Choque, C.; Aiquipa, L.; Arévalo, J.; Montoya, Y. 2009. Forensic Science International Genetic. 4(4) e 109-17..

Allele distribution at 16 STR loci in seven Peruvian populations

Talledo, M.; Gavilan, M.; Choque, C.; Aiquipa, L.; Arévalo, J.; Montoya, Y. 2008. III Simposio International de Identificacao Humana por AND. Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. Poster.